Daniel Abdenour

About Daniel Abdenour

Where I Currently Train

Clinch MMA

Training under head coach Sal Ram since 2016. Sal is a very knowledgeable coach with years of experience in the sport of MMA. Sal is great mind and is very up to date with the evolution of the sport. Sal is a blackbelt under Coach Daniel Valverde, who is the head coach of the world renowned MMA Masters gym in Miami Florida. Sal has helped me significantly since the start of my career.

Matrix Boxing Abbotsford

Training at Matrix Boxing since 2021. Matrix Boxing has high level boxers and coaches who have helped me greatly improve my boxing game. Matrix Boxing currently houses multiple active competitors in both boxing and other combat sports. Matrix Boxing is also home to multiple time champion and Top 10 Canadian Featherweight Gagan Gill, who is the head coach and also my main training partner since 2020.